Difference between Multimedia and Animation

Multimedia vs Animation: Know the Difference between Multimedia and Animation

Both of these terms are used regularly in day-to-day life, but there is a major difference between multimedia and animation. Multimedia is various forms of media, like audio, text, videos, images, etc. Animation, on the other hand, is also a type of multimedia. It gives the viewers an illusion of movement of an actually static element. It does so by displaying slightly varying images consecutively.

Thus, multimedia is nothing but a combination/integration of computer-controlled text, graphics, animation, audio, images, video, and all other media forms. We can digitally store, process, and transfer multimedia from any device. But animation refers to the variation in still images that gives the viewers an illusion of movement. It is highly interactive and lets users convey information easily.

In this article, we will look into the primary difference between Multimedia and Animation. Read ahead to learn more.

What is Multimedia?

The term multimedia is made from two of the words, “Multi” and “Medium”. It is used to deliver info to users in digital form. It needs large storage space in any device, especially when the multimedia is in a video or graphic form. In the 20th century, people would use television, radio, and motion pictures for multimedia. Nowadays, we have computers, laptops, and mobile phones to access, use, and transfer multimedia. It is a useful source of transferring info among businesses, schools, public places, households, offices, etc.

What is Animation?

Animation refers to the process of bringing pictures to motion by drawing, designing, creating the layout, and preparing a presentation that runs slightly altered graphics in the background. The pictures used for animation can be caught through any digital media, such as a camera or a mobile phone.

We create animations using a sequence of images of still objects/drawings. Here, every succeeding image in the presentation is slightly different from the previous one, thus giving the viewers a sense of motion when running at a considerate speed. Animation is of two broad types, 2D and 3D. It is very famous in the arts and entertainment industry. Apart from this, animation is also helpful for developing websites, creating motion graphics, generating special effects, etc.

Long story short, animation breathes life into stationery things.

Difference between Multimedia and Animation

Let us talk about the differences between Multimedia and Animation.

Basics and DefinitionMultimedia is multiple forms of digital media, such as videos, images, audio, texts, etc.Animation refers to a type of multimedia that provides the viewers with an illusion of pictures moving in a sequential manner.
Inter RelationIt is an integration/collection of various types of media.It is a type of multimedia that is very interactive.
UsesMultimedia can be used in web designing, graphic designing, presentations, movies, podcasts, and many more.Animation can be used in web design, app development, film production, sound design, and many more.
Storage DevicesWe use electronic media devices such as mobile phones, laptops, computers, etc., for storing multimedia content. We can also store them on drives and SD cards.We can record animations and store them on analogue media, like flipbooks, videotapes, motion picture films, or digital media devices where we store the multimedia.
DerivationThe word multimedia is a combination of the words “Multi” and “Medium”.The word Animation has been derived from the Greek word “Ani” meaning a non-living object, and the word “motion” which refers to movement.
Hand DrawnMultimedia isn’t usually hand-drawn, except digital art.Animations are primarily hand-drawn. But stop motions are also a type of animation, and they are not hand-drawn.

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